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Every Child is Special and Deserves an Education as per Their Own Needs

There are no two children in the world that are the same. Every child is different and their uniqueness needs to be cherished. When it comes to special children their uniqueness shines more brightly, lighting the world with their remarkable skills. Special children possess great talents. Their creativity and innovations can bring revolution in the world. They look at the world with a unique lens and have incredible capacities. Many children with autism have the ability to hyperfocus and complete tasks to perfection. Their work is often beyond expectations and it shows their unique mind. Likewise, children with down syndrome have exceptional memory and children with ADHD are committed to their goals even in the face of adversary. The resilience and determination that children with special needs show is an inspiration to the world. They are contributing members of society and their unique needs make them more special and important. Proper guidance and nurturance can help them grow out of their limitations and support them into becoming their best selves. Schooling is the place where their talents and skills are discovered and developed. Schooling paves the way for these young minds to make meaningful contributions to society.


ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders

Is your son unable to sit in one place for too long? Does the teacher always complain about your daughter not paying attention in class? Does your child feel out of place with other students in the classroom? If these situations seem familiar for your child, they are not alone. It is what they have and not who they are. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects their development, which makes them struggle at school because of lack of attention and increased impulsivity. In a class of 30–50 students, your child is not able to pay attention, has problems with listening, and scoring well in a strict traditional schooling system. International Schooling, with its One-to-One learning, offers the much-needed flexibility and customization essential for students who have ADHD. Our internationally trained and certified teachers, with vast experience and expertise in their respective fields, create lesson plans and study hours that suit our students the best. They focus on the strengths of every individual and provide support in areas where they struggle. Personalized attention and tailored curriculum cater to the unique needs of our students who have ADHD. They also create structured learning environments that enable them to reach their full potential, foster independence, and help them thrive to the best of their capabilities. Our educational programs also employ behavioral strategies to manage impulsivity and hyperactivity, creating a positive and supportive atmosphere for learning.


Autism Spectrum Disorder

For some children, navigating social aspects of life can be difficult. Making friends, understanding social norms and regulations can be confusing for them. Difficulties with communication can make it tough for them to express their needs, wants, answer or ask questions in a classroom setting. They can have issues with adjustment making it difficult for them to fit in with their classmates. Children with autism have different views about the world, the skills they possess have the power to create magic if given the proper atmosphere. International Schooling is committed to making the dreams of thousands of students who have Autism a reality. It offers individualized support and educational programs that incorporate social skills training to help them communicate, inculcate appropriate social behavior and teaches them to navigate social situations effectively. Our teachers focus on individual interests, strengths and skills and develop lesson plans that improve the efficiency of communication between them and the students. It enhances the learning, understanding and productivity of every student. We have over 500+ courses to cater to the diverse interests of our students.


Learning Disabilities (Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia)

Has reading and writing always been difficult for your child? Is your child’s homework full of mistakes encircled in red by the teacher? Is math your child’s greatest enemy? No matter how hard they try, they are never able to get their studies right! Learning disabilities can make it difficult for the child to think, speak, solve mathematical equations, write or read. To accommodate the needs of students facing such difficulties, International Schooling offers interactive and engaging learning plans that are customized to suit the distinctive needs of every student. The courses are full of immersive content that is taught through flashcards, colorful placards and videos that significantly enhance the understanding of students. Flexible deadlines and tailor-made curriculum enable our students with learning disabilities to learn at their own speed, which helps them build the necessary skills, step- by- step.


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